Monday, February 23, 2009
Week of February 23-27
First we classified these strange creatures according to their features:
Then we had the task of classifiying all of this candy!
Check out our work!
This week in Social Studies...we will take our Unit 5 Assessment on Wednesday, February 25. Students should study their History Alive workbooks and the notes in their Social Studies spirals. Friday we will begin a new unit on the Birth of a Nation - we'll look at the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, explore the Constiution & the three branches of government as well as the Bill of Rights.
This week in Math... we will have our DIVISION test on Tuesday, February 24. Students should be comfortable dividing with single digit divisors, double digit divisors, and dividends with decimals. Students should also know how to find factors of a given number the find the Greatest Common Factor of two numbers. We have also revisted find the mean of a set of data, this time without calculators. Toward the end of the week we will dive right in to our Fractions unit which we will use the Investigations series to explore the meaning of fractions and how decimals, fractions, and percents are all related.
Monday - Double Digit Division WKS
Wednesday -Finish Test Corrections (started in class) and parent signature on Division Test
Thursday -WKS: Student Sheet 2 - Students should find one example of a fraction, one example of a decimal, and one example of a percentage in newspapers or old magazines. If students cannot find one of these things they may make one up but it must be an example that we did not already list in class.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Week of Feb. 16 - 20
This week in Social Studies... we are exploring key events and leaders in the American Revolution. Tuesday we'll be playing a little game of Tug-of-War.... How does that help us understand the advantages each side had in the war? Our Unit 5 Test on the American Revolution will be on Wednesday, Feb. 25. Students should be reviewing their notes in their Social Studies spirals, History Alive Workbooks, quizzes, and the History Alive Online Tutorials for Chapters 10, 12, and 13.
This week in Science... we are reviewing the parts of the plant and animal cell, comparing the two, and looking at examples of each type of cell in the microscopes. Our CELLS test will be on Friday, Feb. 20.
This week in Math... we are continuing to explore division strategies, Prime factors & GCF, and we will learn how to divide with decimals!
Monday - No School
Tuesday - WKS: Greatest Common Factor
Wednesday -WKS: Practice 4-12 - Dividing Decimals
Thursday -WKS: Dividing Decimals
Friday - No Homework but... Decimals test will be on Tuesday, February 24. There is no study guide, so be sure you are comfortable with factors/GCF, dividing whole numbers and decimals, and prime vs. composite numbers
Friday, February 6, 2009
Week of Feb. 9-13
Monday - Hippie Day
Tuesday - Pajama Day
Wednesday - Crazy Hair Day
Thursday - Husky Spirit Day - wear Husky apparel or dress in green and blue
Friday - Valentine's Colors Day - Wear Red, Pink, and White
This week in Science... we are continuing to explore parts of a cell and their functions. We are also comparing animal cells and plant cells. We will also examine cells through our microscopes. Students will be bringing home a study guide for cells and microscopes on Wednesday. Our Assessment will be Friday, February 20.
This week in Social Studies.. we are continuing to explore key events leading up to and key individuals in the American Revolution. Students have a quiz on Chapter 10 on Tuesday. Notes on Chapter 10 can be found in their SS spirals and students should have completed the History Alive Online Tutorial for Ch. 10. This week we are focusing on key individuals and the writing of the Declaration of Independence. We will discuss and explore ideas and philosophies that are represented in the Declaration.
This week in Math... we will learn and practice several strategies for division! We'll learn the standard algorithm as well as "column division". We will also explore prime and composite numbers and how to find the GCF of two numbers to help carry us in to our fractions unit.
Monday - WKS: Practice 4-5
Tuesday -WKS: Practice 4-8
Wednesday - WKS: Prime and Composite Numbers
Thursday -WKS: 4-14
Friday -No Homework
Monday, February 2, 2009
Week of February 2-6
Tuesday, Feb 3 we will have our in-school field trip called Life of a Private - students will experience what life was like for a colonist during the American Revolution.
Report cards will be sent home Friday, Feb. 6.
One new announcement for Fifth Graders - Students will be bringing home a letter to inform families about a Homework Club that will begin today and run through May. In case this letter does not make it home here it is:
Starting Monday, February 2nd, the 5th grade teachers will begin hosting a Homework Club which will be held on most Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays (late-bus days) from now through May. This club is meant as an opportunity for students to catch up on class work or homework they have missed and requires their teacher’s permission to attend. Teachers may also request that a student attend homework club. Please know that this is intended to be a quiet place for students to complete work and not as an environment for students to receive individual tutoring.
This week in Science...we will continue to explore the parts of the cell and their function. We will also compare basic parts of plants and animal cells.
This week in Social Studies... we will begin (Unit 5) exploring key events that led to the American Revolution. We will be answering the following questions - What steps did England take to increase control over its colonies? Why did many colonists become dissatisfied with England's control? We will be using chapter 10 of our History Alive! text to explore these questions.
Monday - No Homework
Wednesday- Complete Chapter 10 History Alive Online Tutorial
This week in Math...we will be making some math placement switches. Students will be given a notice on Tuesday if their placement has changed for the division and fractions unit. We are working on properties of division, mental math, and determining factors! Next week we will look at different strategies for solving division problems.... long division made easy!
Monday - No Homework
Tuesday -No Homework
Wednesday -WKS - Practice 4-2
Thursday - WKS - Practice 4-3
Friday - No Homework