Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28 - October 2

Announcements this week:
Thanks to the parents who helped us out on our field trip last week! We really appreciate it. It was also great to see so many parents at Back to School Night. We really had a great turn out!

This week in Language Arts... We will start reading another story from our Junior Great Books text, re-read it and take notes, and have a discussion about an open-ended quested related to the text. Students can expect to work on most of this in class, and some at home. We are starting Word Study this week. The nightly assignments are posted on ANGEL but here they are as well:
Monday - SAW Wks -- students sort their words again, alphabetize them, and write them down. Students have their words in a ziploc bag attached to their agendas. This is done on a wks because they will leave their Word Study notebooks with me Monday night.
Tuesday - Word Hunt -- students will look through print materials to find new/different words that follow the pattern they are studying for the week. This is done in the WS notebook.
Wednesday - Star Sentences -- as we begin the writing process, students will work on brainstorming components of a good sentence using a star, then compose that sentence (draft). Students will use their WS words in the sentences. This is done in the WS notebook.
Thursday - Choice Activity -- See pink sheet in the front of WS notebooks.
Friday - Word Study Assessment in class; Week's assignments due today.

Lastly, students will begin Daily Grammar Practice this week. Each morning students will analyze a different part of the same sentence. This week's sentence: we will learn about the civil war in social studies
Monday's task -- correct the capitalization and punctuation
Tuesday's task -- identify the sentence type and purpose
Wednesday's task -- Identify the part of speech of each word in the sentence
Thursday's task-- Identify the parts of the sentence (subject, predicate, objects, etc.)
Friday's task -- diagram the sentence!

Reading --
Wednesday Night - Students should finish re-reading Lenny's Red Letter Day and taking notes on it. Students are expected to have at least 3 notes per page of reading. Notes can include questions, comments, inferences, new vocabulary, or connections. I am looking for understanding/comprehension and active reading skills!

This week in math -- we will wrap up our measurement unit by continuing to explore different things we measure: temperature, elapsed time. We will have a quiz this week as well to assess the students' mastery of the content.
Monday - No Homework
Tuesday - No Homework
Wednesday - No Homework
Thursday -
Friday -

This week in Science
... we will finish our Water-in-Apples lab and turn it in for our first science grade. We'll also start a new lab: Using the process of Chromatography we will try to solve a mystery -- which pen wrote the note?!?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 21-25

  • Back to School Night this Thursday! 7pm, see you there!
  • Field Trip this Friday! Don't forget to pack a lunch unless you checked off that you would be purchasing a bagged lunch from the school.

This week in Language Arts... we will finish re-reading the short story, "Charles" and learn how to have an accountable talk about interpretive questions relating to the story. Students will also practice Word Study procedures in class. This week we will also begin keeping a reading log. Students will be expected to read 30 minutes each night and record what and how much they read. The reading log will be due at the end of each month. If students misplace the log, a new one can be downloaded from Angel.
- Students should finish taking notes on their re-reading of "Charles" (if not already done in class) to be prepared for class on Tuesday.
READ 30 minutes and fill out log.
Tuesday - Students should be sure to have finished their response to the question -- Why don't Laurie's parents figure out that Laurie has invented Charles? Students should include evidence from the text to support their opinions and be ready to have an accountable talk on Wednesday.
READ 30 minutes and fill out log.
Wednesday - READ 30 minutes and fill out log
Thursday - READ 30 minutes and fill out log
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - READ 30 minutes and fill out log

This week in Math... we are continuing our exploration of measurement. We'll practice measuring mass and volume and well as continue to choose reasonable units of measurement and appropriate tools.
- Practice 3-8 Metric Linear Measurement (students have rulers in the back of their agendas)
Tuesday - No Homework
Wednesday - No Homework
Thursday -
Friday - no class, no homework :)

Check out our pictures of the METRIC OLYMPICS!

This week in Science
... we are exploring scientific inquiry. What are the steps of a good science experiment. We'll practice with two labs -- We'll explore how much water apples lose over the course of a week in three different states; We'll also use the process of chromatography to solve a mystery!

Check out our apples experiment:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week of Sept 14-18

Welcome to the 2nd week of school! Last week was a huge success thanks to the students, parents, and teachers in Falls Church City! I'm looking forward to a great year. :) This week we will continue to practice school-wise and classroom routines as well as dive in to 5th grade content!

FIELD TRIP! We have a field trip coming up very soon! Next Friday, Sept 25 we will head to the Natural History Museum downtown. Permission Slips went home Wednesday and they are due Thursday!

This week in Language Arts...
We will learn how to do Daily Oral Language (DOL). Students will use editing/proofreading marks to correct 2 sentences each morning that have errors in them. This exercise focuses on CUPS! Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling
In reading we will begin a four week unit called Junior Great Books! During this unit we will practice reading actively (interacting with the text), and learn how to take notes while reading to deepen our comprehension of the stories. Each week we will focus on one short story from the collection. This week our story will be Charles by Shirley Jackson.
Thursday -
Continue notes on Charles -- remember to include the page number to which you are referring and your notes can include questions, comments, inferences, predictions, things that confuse you, new vocabulary, etc. Notes should be to the end of page 3 of the story.

This week in Math... we will begin our first unit on Measurement. Students will explore the importance of using standard units to measure. What tools can we use to measure certain items, and what units are the most appropriate? Students will explore both metric and US Customary systems of measurement.
Thursday -
WKS: Practice 3-9 --> Metric Units of Mass and Capacity (don't forget you have a list of units in your agenda!)

This week in Science... we will begin exploring, "What is a Scientist?" What do scientists do? What type of scientists are there? We will also differentiate between observations and inferences to prepare for several weeks of studying and practicing Scientific Inquiry. How do we conduct a good science experiment?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Welcome Back to School! 2009

Welcome back to school and welcome to 5th grade! It is going to be an exciting year here at Mary Ellen Henderson and I'm excited to see all of the fresh new faces in the hallway!

This blog will be a resource for students and parents to keep up with what's going on in the classroom as well as with daily assignments. While the main source of documenting homework assignments is each student's agenda, this blog can serve as a back up resource. Again, this does not replace proper-use of the agenda! Students will have to log in to ANGEL in order to download any documents. This blog can also be reached from ANGEL, there is a tab that is a direct link from any of my class pages.

This week we will spend a great deal of time getting to know our new school, new teachers, and each other. We will also learn new routines and be given plenty of time to practice those routines.

Daily Assignments:

MONDAY - No School -- Labor Day

1)Gray Parent Envelope: Return Wednesday with all contents in the envelope
2) Blue Information Packet: Please keep the top page for your reference and return the next two pages Wednesday to the Home Base teacher.
3) WKS - "The Big Day"

1)Begin gathering items for Brown Bag -- Brown Bag due MONDAY
2)Pictures for "All About Me" Math Notebook due FRIDAY


"All About Me" pictures due today.

Don't forget Brown Bags are due MONDAY!