Saturday, September 1, 2007

WEEK OF September 3 - 7

Monday, September 3 - Enjoy your Labor Day!

Students and Families can find daily assignments and announcements right here throughout the year. Assignments are listed on the day they are assigned and are due the next class period unless otherwise noted. (**Science only meets every other day, so science specific assignments are due two days after they are assigned).

TUESDAY, SEPT. 4 - First day of school!
1. Parent homework - blue packet; Please keep the blue top page for reference, complete the attached four pages and place in your child's homework folder to be returned to school on Wednesday.

2. WS (Worksheet) "The Big Day" - Students reflect on their first day of school.

3. Parents will be receiving a peach "School Board Policies and Information Packet". Please keep this at home for reference.

4. White "Back to School" envelope. Please go through the documents in the envelope, complete the necessary forms, place the completed forms back in the white envelope and return with your student on Wednesday.

5. "My Brown Bag" - Students received an assignment today to put together a brown bag of artifacts about themselves. Please see requirements.

Wednesday, September 5
BOTH CLASSES, Atlantic and Pacific

1. Gather pictures, cut-outs, photos, drawings for math notebook. Students have an assignment sheet --> Gather 4 pictures that show math being used outside of the classroom and 3 pictures that tell something about the students. Bring these to class on Friday as we make our math collages. Again, students can find these on the internet, draw their own, or find photos (with parent permission).

Atlantic -
** Brown Bag due Monday

Thursday, September 6

No new assignments. Students should be gathering photos, pictures, or drawings, for their math collage. Due tomorrow.

Friday, September 7
Atlantic -
** Brown Bag due Monday

Scholastic Book Order forms went home today. Look over them. If you would like to purchase any items, please indicate that on the order form and return it to Mrs. McCann by Friday, September 14 with a check made out to Scholastic Books.

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