Monday, January 12, 2009

Week of January 12 - 16

A few reminders for JANUARY:
Wednesday, January 14 - SHORT WEDNESDAY
Friday, January 16 - FIELD TRIP to WILLIAMSBURG! We'll see you at 5:45 Friday morning in the front of the school ready to go! As of today's weather forecast, it is going to be COLD! Dress in layers, we will be outside MOST fo the day. A list of some reminders will be going home on Wednesday, but you can also find helpful hints in ANGEL: Under Social Studies, Units, Colonization, and there you'll find a "Colonial Williamsburg" Folder. If you arrive after 6:00am and have missed the bus, you are still required to attend school that day.
Monday and Tuesday, January 19 - 20 - NO SCHOOL
Thursday and Friday, January 29th and 30 - NO SCHOOL

This week in Social Studies... we are wrapping up our unit on Colonial Williamsburg by taking a virtual tour and learning about life in Williamsburg in the 16-1700's. Friday we will see it all first hand! We will have our Unit four test on THURSDAY, JAN. 22. Students should be reviewing their notes in their History Alive Workbook, Social Studies spiral, Virginia Standards notes on ANGEL, and History Alive Online Tutorial -- mostly chapters 6 and 7. Check out some additional resources and websites on Angel that could help you study.

This week in Science... we are wrapping up our LIGHT UNIT. Students should be completing their study guide which is due on Tuesday, Jan 13. We will review for the test then and then the assessment will be given on Thursday, Jan. 15.

This week in Math.. we are exploring multiplying decimals. We are used to numbers increasing when we multiply. When we multiply with number less than one, why isn't our product greater than our factors?? We will continue to practice several strategies for solving multiplication problems. Students may use which ever strategy they are most successful with to solve decimal multiplication problems. Having trouble understanding some of the alternative strategies? See the multiplication folder in ANGEL for some great websites and power points that explain partial product and lattice methods since they are not the standard algorithm.
MONDAY - No Homework -- Band Concert tonight!
TUESDAY -WKS: LCM and multiplying decimals
THURSDAY -Multiplication Review Packet
FRIDAY - Colonial Willamsburg!

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