Monday, February 2, 2009

Week of February 2-6

Welcome to the THIRD Quarter! It's hard to believe we are already kicking off the second half of the school year. Students are well in to the swing of things and ready for a great quarter!

Tuesday, Feb 3
we will have our in-school field trip called Life of a Private - students will experience what life was like for a colonist during the American Revolution.

Report cards will be sent home Friday, Feb. 6.

One new announcement for Fifth Graders -
Students will be bringing home a letter to inform families about a Homework Club that will begin today and run through May. In case this letter does not make it home here it is:

Starting Monday, February 2nd, the 5th grade teachers will begin hosting a Homework Club which will be held on most Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays (late-bus days) from now through May. This club is meant as an opportunity for students to catch up on class work or homework they have missed and requires their teacher’s permission to attend. Teachers may also request that a student attend homework club. Please know that this is intended to be a quiet place for students to complete work and not as an environment for students to receive individual tutoring.

Homework club rotates between different classrooms and the specific location is posted in the fifth grade hallway. HW club meets from 2:30-3:45 PM, which allows students to take the late bus home.

This week in Science...we will continue to explore the parts of the cell and their function. We will also compare basic parts of plants and animal cells.

This week in Social Studies... we will begin (Unit 5) exploring key events that led to the American Revolution. We will be answering the following questions - What steps did England take to increase control over its colonies? Why did many colonists become dissatisfied with England's control? We will be using chapter 10 of our History Alive! text to explore these questions.
Monday - No Homework
Wednesday- Complete Chapter 10 History Alive Online Tutorial

This week in Math...we will be making some math placement switches. Students will be given a notice on Tuesday if their placement has changed for the division and fractions unit. We are working on properties of division, mental math, and determining factors! Next week we will look at different strategies for solving division problems.... long division made easy!
- No Homework
Tuesday -No Homework
Wednesday -WKS - Practice 4-2
Thursday - WKS - Practice 4-3
Friday - No Homework

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