Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 21-25

  • Back to School Night this Thursday! 7pm, see you there!
  • Field Trip this Friday! Don't forget to pack a lunch unless you checked off that you would be purchasing a bagged lunch from the school.

This week in Language Arts... we will finish re-reading the short story, "Charles" and learn how to have an accountable talk about interpretive questions relating to the story. Students will also practice Word Study procedures in class. This week we will also begin keeping a reading log. Students will be expected to read 30 minutes each night and record what and how much they read. The reading log will be due at the end of each month. If students misplace the log, a new one can be downloaded from Angel.
- Students should finish taking notes on their re-reading of "Charles" (if not already done in class) to be prepared for class on Tuesday.
READ 30 minutes and fill out log.
Tuesday - Students should be sure to have finished their response to the question -- Why don't Laurie's parents figure out that Laurie has invented Charles? Students should include evidence from the text to support their opinions and be ready to have an accountable talk on Wednesday.
READ 30 minutes and fill out log.
Wednesday - READ 30 minutes and fill out log
Thursday - READ 30 minutes and fill out log
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - READ 30 minutes and fill out log

This week in Math... we are continuing our exploration of measurement. We'll practice measuring mass and volume and well as continue to choose reasonable units of measurement and appropriate tools.
- Practice 3-8 Metric Linear Measurement (students have rulers in the back of their agendas)
Tuesday - No Homework
Wednesday - No Homework
Thursday -
Friday - no class, no homework :)

Check out our pictures of the METRIC OLYMPICS!

This week in Science
... we are exploring scientific inquiry. What are the steps of a good science experiment. We'll practice with two labs -- We'll explore how much water apples lose over the course of a week in three different states; We'll also use the process of chromatography to solve a mystery!

Check out our apples experiment:

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